Well Permits- Residents can obtain permits to construct new private wells through our office. All wells in Louisa County require a permit to construct.
Water Testing- Through funds from the Groundwater Protection Act and the Grants to Counties Program, Louisa County residents have access to water testing. This test will check for nitrate, coliform and bacteria testing. Please contact Louisa County Environmental Health to set up an appointment. Please check for funds availability with the Louisa County Environmental Office.
Well Rehab & Closure Reimbursement- Through funds provided by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Louisa County is able to reimburse for well rehabilitations and closures. This funding is limited to work done directly on the well. To be eligible for these funds a certified well driller to ensure that the work is done to code should do the work. The well contractor must also submit an itemized bill to Louisa County Environmental Health so that the appropriate portions can be reimbursed. Any questions please contact the Louisa County Environmental Health Office or visit the Department of Natural Resources web page. Please check for funds availability with the Louisa County Environmental Office.
Septic System Permits- Residents can obtain permits to construct or repair septic systems through our office. All septic systems in Louisa County require a permit to construct, alter or repair. Currently septic systems are inspected during the post construction phase to verify proper installation. All systems shall be constructed in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 69.
Permit Extensions- A one-time septic system extension may be requested to extend the expiration date of the construction permit by six months.
Time of Transfer Inspections- A time of transfer inspection is required to decide whether the septic system is adequately treating waste materials. An inspection must be competed prior to any transfer of ownership. An inspection is good for 2 years from the date of inspection and valid for all transfers within that 2 year period also. An Iowa DNR Time of Transfer Binding Agreement and/or Waiver may also be necessary. Only individuals certified by the IDNR can perform inspections. A complete, statewide list can be found at http://www.iowadnr.gov/files/tot_list.pdf Louisa County Environmental Health reviews inspection reports and copies are kept on file at the IDNR.
Penalty Fee for Installation without a Permit- It is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure that either a well and/or septic permit has been issued prior to construction.
Please note, that a septic permit or waiver and/or well permit or waiver is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.